unseen pisa

 Pisa you see /\
Pisa you don't see \/
 Has anyone ever told you that people climb to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa? And that lots and lots of people climb to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa?!

Has anyone ever told you that people look like slightly enlarged ants from the top?

Has anyone ever told you that Pisa is a town, and that the people of Pisa deal with the tourists every day?
 Has anyone ever told you that faces are engraved on the pillars at the top?
 Now, here's one! Has anyone ever told you that the Leaning Tower of Pisa has bells? Bells?
 And that one of the bells has a picture of Jesus on the cross?
 Has anyone ever told you that the Leaning Tower is just one of three structures in the "Field of Miracles"? The two other buildings are the Duomo and the Baptistry.

 Has anyone ever told you that there are these goofy looking bags they sell at the Pisa souvenir shop? Have you ever seen someone carry them around? (Secretly, I think they probably get stashed away in a closet once the impetuous buyer returns home ;)
 Have you ever seen the inside of Pisa's Duomo?
This is partly why I love this trip so much. People that travel can see and appreciate everything about a sight, but the rest of the world can't because the travelers don't always take the time to share about the rest of it. And Pisa is a prime example of just that.

I hope you've enjoyed a little peak into Pisa. Even though it was a "tourist quicky" (as the infamous Rick Steves puts it), it was worth the trip. :)

P.S. One other silly fact: SO many people stand around and do "the pose". All over! I really should've taken a picture of the numerous individuals who were enjoying being a tourist. So, sorry to disappoint, but I wasn't about to become one of them and do "the pose"... not for anyone! (I'm doing my best at not looking like a tourist. ;)


  1. Well ... Poppi and I saw somethings we are just about certain we won't see in person ! THANK YOU. We've always wanted to see what human-ants looked like from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. We didn't know about the bells (beautiful) and the Duomo is something we'd like to hear more about next time we see you. This was much better than a Rick Steves show. We're enjoying the whole experience, but.... couldn't we see at least "one shot" of a couple of familiar country gals inside of this beautiful country of Italy??

  2. No, no one ever told me most of those things! Thanks for sharing those fun facts, Emily! :) BTW, has anyone ever told you that blog-post titles should be properly capitalized? Maybe "tim" wasn't an anomaly . . . . :D Oh, and here's a tip to really not look like a tourist: Don't take pictures at all. :) OK, maybe that's extreme; I hope to see more when you get back!

    1. tC,

      The uncapitalized blog post title was (as shocking as it may seem) intentional. Because you MUST remember, that is the style, you know. ;)

      P.S. Hm... I don't really like the no pictures idea.
      And also, I'm going to be working on putting up more posts... my picture cards are not wanting to download the pictures onto my hard drive though. :P I'm working on it!

  3. I love this post, Em! I wish I could've been with you, but hopefully, I'll have a chance to go someday.
    ~Rebekah Hahner


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